Monday, September 30, 2019

Nintendo History Essay

Nintendo was founded in 1889. It was a poker card workshop. But now it’s Japan’s most famous game production company. Its production of electronic games are popular all around the world. Nintendo is the NO.1 of the world’s video game companies. With only 850 staffs, Nintendo used to beat such super enterprises as Toyota occasionally, thus becoming Japanese first profit-making company. Nintendo spells â€Å"Wii† with two lower-case â€Å"I† characters means: To resemble two people standing side by side, representing players gathering together.Wii sounds like ‘we’, which emphasizes that the console is for everyone. Wii can easily be remembered by people around the world, no matter what language they speak. The Wii is a home video game console released by Nintendo on November 19, 2006. The Nintendo Wii is the 7th generation video game console of the Nintendo series. It plays Nintendo video games via discs, and detects movement in three dim ensions. The Wii is meant to stimulate interactivity and movement among its users, so that they play games and get exercise simultaneously. The primary wireless controller, the Wii remote, is a handheld pointing device which makes the on-screen player mimic the movements of the person possessing the Wii remote. Nintendo production of electronic games In 1983ï ¼Å¡NES In 1989ï ¼Å¡Game Boy In 1990ï ¼Å¡Super Famicom In 1996ï ¼Å¡Nintendo64 In 2001ï ¼Å¡Game Boy Advance In 2001ï ¼Å¡GameCube In 2004ï ¼Å¡Nintendo DS In 2006ï ¼Å¡Wii In 2012ï ¼Å¡Wii U 1. Was Nintendo just lucky, or does the Wii’s success have strategic merit? Nintendo’s strategy was very clear and clever. It thought that it could not survive in the competition with Microsoft’s Xbox and Sony’s Play Station 3. So, Nintendo do not try to compete to the competitor rather than it tried to rebuild the gaming system. Without concerning the more advanced technology, it tried to do more using less investment. They realized that they couldn’t make a better product, so by changing the way in which the product is used they created a whole new market at their control. By changing their focus away from the game but the experience Nintendo created a unique strategy that is now synonymous with their name. Nintendo developed the Wii with a very specific design and marketing strategy in place. So, Nintendo’s strategy was so resourceful and it worked like magic mix strategy.Their success with the Wii really stems from two sources. First, they have gained substantial market share with previously untapped demographics (elder ly, smallchildren, and families). Second, because they have eliminated many of the additional costs and features of the more advanced game systems, they have been able to better compete based on price.Even while they were struggling, Nintendo maintained a strong brand within the gaming industry. Marketing Strategies of Nintendo are through the product, pricing, promotion, and place. With the product, Nintendo redesigned the controller to make it easier and more nature to play games,e.g motion sensitivity, IR sensors. Nintendo keep price at $250.00 while XBOX and PS3 over $350.00. Wii games cheaper $10.00 than XBOX and PS3. It offering various accessories to generate revenue. Ninendo promotion through mass selling, uses intermediary (GameStop, hypermarket, mall), uses both push or pull techniques. Pushing is used by advertising through commercials, ads, circulars, magazines, and internet.Pulling is demonstrated by keeping on-hand inventory low leaving customers returning to check availability.Nintendo has included a free game with eachWii unit, other systems, they increase the price by $20-50. they offer the Nintendo WiFi connection. This allows you to play certain online games against friends and others. Nintendo's WiFi connection is free and offers many nice updates. A bout the place, Nintendo has distribution centers around the world. Each distributing the regions version of Nintendo’s systems or games. In the United States there are 2 distribution centers, that are Redmond, Washington; Atlanta, Georgia. Retailers get their inventory directly from Nintendo.Businesses are gaining approximately $10 per unit sold; however, they make their money through game and accessory sales. 2) In which stage of the product life cycle is theWii? Based on that stage, is Nintendo employing good marketing mix strategies? The sales of Nintendo keep increasing and last sales not significant. The stages is growh- early maturity. If a product is accepted by the marketplace, it enters the growth stage of the product life cycle. The growth stage is characterized by increasing sales, more competitors, and higher profits. Unfortunately for the firm, the growth stage attracts competitors who enter the market very quickly. For example, when Diet Coke experienced great success, Pepsi soon entered with Diet Pepsi. You’ll notice that both Coca-Cola and Pepsi have similar competitive offerings in the beverage industry, including their own brands of bottled water, juice, and sports drinks. As additional customers begin to buy the product, manufacturers must ensure that the product remains available to customers or run the risk of them buying competitors’ offerings. For example, the producers of video game systems such as Nintendo’s Wii could not keep up with consumer demand when the product was first launched. Consequently, some consumers purchased competing game systems such as Microsoft’s Xbox. A company sometimes increases its promotional spending on a product during its growth stage. However, instead of encouraging consumers to try the product, the promotions often focus on the specific benefits the product offers and its value relative to competitive offerings. In other words, although the company must still inform and educate customers, it must counter the competition. Emphasizing the advantages of the product’s brand name can help a company maintain its sales in the face of competition. Although different organizations produce personal computers, a highly recognized brand such as IBM strengthens a firm’s advantage when competitors enter the market. New offerings that utilize the same successful brand name as a company’s already existing offerings, which is what Black & Decker does with some of its products, can give a company a competitive advantage. Companies typically begin to make a profit during the growth stage because more units are being sold and more revenue is generated. The number of distribution outlets (stores and dealers) utilized to sell the product can also increase during the growth stage as a company tries to reach as much of the marketplace as possible. Expanding a product’s distribution and increasing its production to ensure its availability at different outlets usually results in a product’s costs remaining high during the growth stage. The price of the product itself typically remains at about the same level during the growth stage, although some companies reduce their prices slightly to attract additional buyers and meet the competitors’ prices. Companies hope by increasing their sales, they also improve their profits. The Maturity Stage After many competitors enter the market and the number of potential new customers declines, the sales of a product typically begin to level off. This indicates that a product has entered the maturity stage of its life cycle. Most consumer products are in the mature stage of their life cycle; their buyers are repeat purchasers versus new customers. Intense competition causes profits to fall until only the strongest players remain. The maturity stage lasts longer than other stages. Quaker Oats and Ivory Soap are products in the maturity stage—they have been on the market for over one hundred years. Given the competitive environment in the maturity stage, many products are promoted heavily to consumers by stronger competitors. The strategies used to promote the products often focus on value and benefits that give the offering a competitive advantage. The promotions aimed at a company’s distributors may also increase during the mature stage. Companies may decrease the price of mature products to counter the competition. However, they must be careful not to get into â€Å"price wars† with their competitors and destroy all the profit potential of their markets, threatening a firm’s survival. Intel and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) have engaged in several price wars with regard to their microprocessors. Likewise, Samsung added features and lowered the price on its Instinct mobile phone, engaging in a price war with Apple’s iPhone. With the weakened economy, many online retailers engaged in price wars during the 2008 holiday season by cutting prices on their products and shipping costs. Although large organizations such as can absorb shipping costs, price wars often hurt smaller retailers. Many retailers learned from their mistakes and ordered less inventory for the 2009 holiday season. Companies are challenged to develop strategies to extend the maturity stage of their products so they remain competitive. Many firms do so by modifying their target markets, their offerings, or their marketing strategies. Next, we look at each of these strategies. Modifying the target market helps a company attract different customers by seeking new users, going after different market segments, or finding new uses for a product in order to attract additional customers. Financial inst itutions and automobile dealers realized that women have increased buying power and now market to them. With the growth in the number of online shoppers, more organizations sell their products and services through the Internet. Entering new markets provides companies an opportunity to extend the product life cycles of their different offerings. Many companies enter different geographic markets or international markets as a strategy to get new users. A product that might be in the mature stage in one country might be in the introductory stage in another market. For example, when the U.S. market became saturated, McDonald’s began opening restaurants in foreign markets. Cell phones were very popular in Asia before they were introduced in the United States. Many cell phones in Asia are being used to scan coupons and to charge purchases. However, the market in the United States might not be ready for that type of technology. Modifying the product, such as changing its packaging, size, flavors, colors, or quality can also extend the product’s maturity stage. The 100 Calorie Packs created by Nabisco provide an example of how a company changed the packaging and size to provide convenience and one-hundred-calorie portions for consumers. While the sales of many packaged foods fell, the sales of the 100 Calorie Packs increased to over $200 million, prompting Nabisco to repackage more products. [5]Kraft Foods extended the mature stage of different crackers such as Wheat Thins and Triscuits by creating different flavors. Although not popular with consumers, many companies downsize (or decrease) the package sizes of their products or the amount of the product in the packages to save money and keep prices from rising too much. Car manufacturers modify their vehicles slightly each year to offer new styles and new safety features. Every three to five years, automobile manufacturers do more extensive modifications. Changing the package or adding variations or features are common ways to extend the mature stage of the life cycle. Pepsi recently changed the design and packaging of its soft drinks and Tropicana juice products. However, consumers thought the new juice package looked like a less expensive brand, which made the quality of the product look poorer. As a result, Pepsi resumed the use of the original Tropicana carton. Pepsi’s redesigned soda cans also received negative consumer reviews. Tropicana’s New Packaging Tropicana’s new (and now abandoned) packaging look didn’t compare well with the â€Å"orange and the straw† but is still used on the lower-calorie Tropicana. When introducing products to international markets, firms must decide if the product can be standardized (kept the same) or how much, if any,adaptation, or changing, of the product to meet the needs of the local culture is necessary. Although it is much less expensive to standardize products and promotional strategies, cultural and environmental differences usually require some adaptation. Product colors and packages as well as product names must often be changed because of cultural differences. For example, in many Asian and European countries, Coca-Cola’s diet drinks are called â€Å"light,† not diet. GE makes smaller appliances such as washers and dryers for the Japanese market. Hyundai Motor Company had to improve the quality of its automobiles in order to compete in the U.S. market. Compan ies must also examine the external environment in foreign markets since the regulations, competition, and economic conditions vary as well as the cultures. Figure 7.15 Some companies modify the marketing strategy for one or more marketing variables of their products. For example, many coffee shops and fast-food restaurants such as McDonald’s now offer specialty coffee that competes with Starbucks. As a result, Starbucks’ managers a decided it was time to change the company’s strategy. Over the years, Starbucks had added lunch offerings and moved away from grinding coffee in the stores to provide faster service for its customers. However, customers missed the coffee shop atmosphere and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and didn’t like the smell of all the lunch items. As a result of falling market share, Starbucks’ former CEO and founder Howard Schultz returned to the company. Schultz hired consultants to determine how to modify the firm’s offering and extend the maturity stage of their life cycle. Subsequently, Starbucks changed the atmosphere of many of its stores back to that of traditional coffee shops, modified its lunch offerings in many stores, and resumed grinding coffee in stores to provide the aroma customers missed. The company also modified some of its offerings to provide health-conscious consumers lower-calorie alternatives. [6] After the U.S. economy weakened in 2009, Starbucks announced it would begin selling instant coffee for about a dollar a cup to appeal to customers who were struggling financially but still wanted a special cup of coffee. The firm also changed its communication with customers by utilizing more interactive media such as blogs. Whereas Starbucks might have overexpanded, McDonald’s plans to add fourteen thousand coffee bars to selected stores. [7] In addition to the coffee bars, many McDonald’s stores are remodeling their interiors to feature flat screen televisions, recessed lighting, and wireless Internet access. Other McDonald’s restaurants kept their original design, which customers still like. ï‚ ·

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Evaluation of the Most Important Decade in American History

This paper is going to be a step by step evaluation of arguably the most important decade in American History. The time period covered in this paper is 1789-1801. These are the years in which the Federalists had the most influence in the new government. They accomplished an amazing amount in these 12 years. The Federalist Party was one of the first political organizations in the United States. The members of this party supported a strong central government, a large peacetime army and navy, and a stable financial system. Although the first president, George Washington, was not a Federalist, his Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, was the developer and leader of the Federalist party. Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation of the Constitution so that the central government could become more powerful. Also Hamilton, along with the other party members, believed that commerce and manufacturing were more important than agriculture. During the first two years of the new federal government the biggest problem was that of raising money. At first the Congress adopted a small tariff on imports. This was a start but not nearly enough. The government needed this money to maintain its own existence and to be able to pay of the debt. The existence of the government was a necessity, but there was a lot of discussion as to whether the debt should be payed off. The mare magnitude of the debt seemed to compel some measure of avoidance. In 1789, the national debt totaled more than $50 million, $11,700,000 of which was owed to France and Spain and the private bankers of Netherlands, while $40 million was in the form of securities held by citizens of the United States. The interests owed to the bankers were being payed off by loans from the bankers themselves. The government didn†t even have enough money to pay the Barbary corsairs for release of captive sailors! When Congress couldn†t come up with a solution that was satisfactory, they turned to Alexander Hamilton with the dilemma. He soon proceeded to draw up a full report entitled â€Å"Report on Public Credit.† In this paper Hamilton proceeded to show that the only way for a new government to establish credit was to deal honestly with its creditors -for in many cases they would be the people to whom the government must look to for future loans. This policy received strong opposition from Madison and other soon to become Republicans (second political party in America). The federalists held strongly, but only with the passing of the Assumption Bill (movement of capital more toward the South) where they able to pass the bill. This achievement was significant, but lacked two things which would be necessary to carry it out. For one it lacked a circulating medium, and two it lacked a central bank. Hamilton then proposed a remedy. He wanted to establish a corporation that was to be called the Bank of the United States. This bank was to serve as the principle depository for government funds. It was also to serve as the issuer of bank notes. This was a loose interpretation of the constitution. Again Madison led the opposition to no avail. But Hamilton held strongly to his belief that even the most uncompromising opponent of the bank â€Å"would, in one month†s experience as head of that department of the treasury, be compelled to acknowledge that it is an absolutely indispensable engine in the management of the finances, and would quickly become a convert to its perfect constitutionality.† This plan favored the central government. The bank made little banks, who couldn†t compete, go out of business. The rich ended up being able to buy a part in the bank and so got richer, and the poor and middle class didn†t get the benefits. The central government was becoming self sufficient, and less dependent on the states. What Hamilton did is make the nation stronger in the eyes of other nations. This is a great accomplishment. If the Federalists (they didn†t call themselves that until 1792) weren†t in power the nation would have been weaker and more decentralized. There were three views on the French Revolution and the French-British war in 1793. Jefferson†s followers favored France. They wanted to abide by the treaty America signed with France in 1788. They thought it was the right thing to do. Hamilton†s followers favored Great Britain. They wanted to develop better relations with great Britain for economic reasons. They sought to break all the relations with the new French government and to ally America with England. The third view was the one taken by George Washington. He realized that a war with England on the side of the French would be suicidal, but at the same time he didn†t want America to be known as the nation that breaks treaties. George Washington proclaimed that America will be neutral. He forbade any American citizen from helping any warring nation. Without the Federalists there to oppose a war with England America might have been wiped out. The Federalists were looking out for the best interest of the country at the expense of another nation. George Washington who didn†t belong to any party decided not to follow either view. During John Adams† tenure as president the Federalists passed several laws which made them unpopular in the eyes of the American public. These laws made the people upset enough not to reelect most of the Federalists that were in Congress. This was the last term in which the federalists were influential. It is important to state these laws and why they passed them. The Federalists had become more favorable toward France and the Republicans started despising France, especially after the insulting X Y Z affair. Adams was favoring France as he tried to keep the nation out of war with France. He secured peace once Napoleon came into power in 1799. The resentment of the population toward France jeopardized this treaty. The Federalist majority in Congress decided to pass the Alien and sedition acts in order to weaken the supporters of war with France (mainly the Republicans). Adams himself was against these laws. These measures were hated. Some of the extreme measures taken to combat them were the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions. These measures tried to say that the laws were unconstitutional. When the time of the next election came the people of the nation had a choice of either maintaining the ways of the Federalists or vote for Jefferson and the republicans. The people, who were mostly farmers at the time, saw the threat to the common man†s rights and so they voted Jefferson and other Republicans into office. This was probably the only thing that the federalist ever really messed up. They made the country strong but then went too far and people took them out of the national picture. The federalist party would never see such strong days again. Its power dwindled down slowly until the party vanished from the national picture in 1816. Although no longer influential in Congress the federalist remained in control in several states. Some states had federalists in office as far down as 1820. This wasn†t though what kept the federalist ideals in America. John Marshall, chief justice of supreme court, began his tenure in 1801. Justice Marshall was a steadfast Federalist. He maintained the Federalist ways long after the party seized to exist. Decision after decision chief Marshall declared the central government supreme to the state. He stretched the constitution far in seeing that the states yield rights to the federal government. He maintained this for 34 years, shaping the loose collection of states into a solid National Union. Another way that the Federalist ideals were maintained comes from their opponents. Upon gaining control of the Congress and Presidency the Democratic-Republicans maintained most of the programs set up by the Federalists. The alien and sedition laws were repealed and everyone arrested under them was let go, but other than that the central government maintained the control gained under the federalists, relinquishing little. The Republicans even strengthened the federal government on occasion. By buying Louisiana Jefferson extended the abilities of the central government. The years under George Washington and John Adams constitute a record of accomplishments not met since. The Federalists followed Hamilton†s counsel to ‘think continentally.† A federal judiciary was established, the taxing power was used, the national debt was handled, American credit was fixed, and territory was cleared of the British and Spanish populations. In foreign affairs America gained respect. Neutrality was maintained, at the price of the French alliance and concessions with Britain. The objective of the foreign policy was survival. The objective was met. The Federalist did a great job starting up the country. After all, many of the leaders including John Adams and George Washington thought that the Union would not last past their lifetimes. The â€Å"experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people†, as said President Washington, turned out very well. Just look at the power America has today.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Living with Strangers Essay

To top the essence of discomfort off, Hustvedt states that â€Å"On the subway, I found myself in intimate contact with people I didn’t know, my body pressed so tightly against hem, I could smell their hair oils, perfumes and sweat. † (p. 1, l. 4-16) This closeness is something that most of us, Hustvedt as well, saves exclusively to boyfriends and close family – This exclusiveness only survives because of the ‘Pretend it isn’t happening’-rule. Throughout the essay Hustvedt takes us down her memory-lane of New York, where she tell us the things that can describe exactly why her view on urban living is how it is. The ‘Pretend it isn’t happening’-rule seems to be the most visible theme in the essay. To an outsider taking a stance against something that is clearly wrong seems logical, if not almost necessary. Whereas Hustvedt says that in New York that is uncommon and almost illogical behavior, because of the possible outcomes when someone is asked to stop whatever they felt they had the right to do. This is allowed because of the aforementioned rule. To explain her point further Siri Hustvedt exemplifies it for us. Hustvedts’ husband had witnessed a man stepping on the subway with a lit cigarette, another man confronted him politely by stating that it’s illegal to smoke on he subway, the smoker had then replied â€Å"Do you wanna die? To much luck the smoker had to get off the subway at the next stop, which resulted in a quick ending to the affairs, but Hustvedt points out that this couldVe ended much, much worse. Siri Hustvedt almost attempts to Justify the ‘pretend it isn’t happening’-rule, by showing the dangers ot not pretending. Hustvedt points out that New Yorkers barely even notice that they’re doing it, it’s such a custom reaction to these situations that in the urban cities you’re raised with them – Just as you’re raised with table manners. To exemplify this Siri Hustvedt mentions her daughter, Sophie, who has adapted to the behavioral pattern already as â€Å"she feigns deafness when the inevitable stray character comes along and tries a pickup. † (p. 2, l. 80-81) and that her daughter has been â€Å"refining the frozen, blank expression that accompanies the Pretend law. † (p. 2, 1. 76-77) In the same example Hustvedt explains that her daughter often gets hit on and some of these admirers are more stray than others. One day Sophie had experienced a man who had been shamelessly staring at her, but when he stepped ff the train and the daughter didn’t, the man had thrown himself against the window and yelled â€Å"l love you† at her. Sophie had felt embarrassed and frightened, but the man next to her had commented â€Å"It looks like you have an admirer†. To this Siri Hustvedt explains that â€Å"His understatement not only defined the comedy inherent in the scene; it lifted my daughter out of the solitary misery that comes from being the object of unwanted attention among strangers. † (p. 3, l. 92-94). This example turns the essay towards a new point-of-view, whereas the reader started out ith having a sense of displeasure and discomfort towards urban living, Hustvedt turns the entire essay around in the end where she enlightens us that urban living is not all that bad: â€Å"Nevertheless, compliments, insults, banter, smiles, and genuine conversations among strangers are part of the city’s noise, its stimulus, its charm. † (p. 3, l. 102-104) in this quote, Hustvedt points out to us that isn’t not only incredibly dull, if urban life only revolved around â€Å"pretending it’s not happening†, but that is it almost down-right impossible. She also states that because of this rule, those who break it make a turning point to everyday life and it’s those people who make urban living all the more charming. Siri Hustvedt mentions that â€Å"Sometimes a brief exchange with an unknown person marks you forever, not because it is profound but because it is uncommonly vivid. † (p. 3, l. 112-113) and to end the essay she mentions a moment 20 years earlier in her life, where a homeless man had called her beautiful and asked her to dinner, and when she politely said ‘no’, he then had grinned and aid â€Å"Lunch? This example not only supports her statement that it has indeed marked her forever, but it almost seems like what then wouldVe seemed rather creepy – now is a little comical and it probably even lifts her spirit when thinking about it. l, for one, believe that the statement is as true as anything can be. It’s not always the deep conversations you have with your family and closest f riends that mark you, it’s the sudden situations; because they’re not forced and that makes them all the more real and therefore deep. I may not live in a true urban city like Copenhagen or New York, but the ‘pretend’-rule is everywhere – and because of that all of the times that it’s broken may seem a little odd or even scary at first can make the rest of one’s day all the more interesting. A sudden compliment, a smile to a stranger or even a short conversation with someone about why the train is delayed – yet again. It gives one time to reflect over the minor things in life and sometimes it may even remind you Just how little you actually are – in a good way, of course.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Organizational behavior and analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Organizational behavior and analysis - Essay Example In this paper, the researcher will shed light on various facets of personality and also discuss viability of personality testing as selection tool in the organization. But, the paper will be incomplete without the discussion of different personality theories hence in the next section, the researcher will shed light on different personality theories. Personality Theories- Backbone of Personality Testing Ellis, Abrams and Abrams (2008) defined personality as the set variety of schemas such as belief, attitude, personal trait, mindscape, social cognition etc. Important thing to remember is that, organizations conduct personality testing on the basis of standard parameters set for all the natural human being hence there are chances that the personality testing might fail to identify all the skill areas of the future employee. However, Lee (2004) pointed out that although employers expect to test the trustworthiness of the employee during personality testing but in very few cases, these e mployers become successful to judge social cognition of the recruit through personality testing. ... According to Yolles (2007 and 2008), people show the tendency to orient their personality trait in any one of the two knowledge types such as identification and elaboration. Perceived reality of people is formulated by sensing the external environment through 5 organs but sensate reality is developed when people are forced to go through certain process. Maruyama (2002) also found that personality of people is developed through perceived reality and not by sensate reality. In such context, employees can have following personality traits. Knowledge Type Characteristics Enantypes Identifiers Those employees who are able to accommodate the knowledge and translate the knowledge into actions. These employees tend to show knowledge competency during personality testing. Sensatist These employees show the tendency to develop existing idea but fail to show creativity during personality test. Ideationalist These employees are good at visualizing new solution but lacks in knowledge competency t o formulate the knowhow. Elaborators These employees show the personality trait of acquiring knowledge and also planning the course of action. Dramatist These employees have narrative thinking structure and show high level of interpersonal skills during work. Patterner These employees show the persistent curiosity towards external world and they are also good at problem solving. [Note: Actual theory was created by Yolles (2008) in context to human personality and in this paper; the researcher has used the model for personality of employees which are subjected to personality testing] Mindscape Theory Mindscape theory is probably the most recent development in the field of personality literature. Hentschel and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

PROJECT MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

PROJECT MANAGEMENT - Essay Example This report is based on a case related to National Program for IT that has decided to abandon the ?12.7 billion project after years of delays (Campbell, 2011). NHS project has been cancelled because of lack of planning as improper planning has been identified as the most important reason for the failure. There have been several problems throughout the project that will be discussed in the report. This report will highlight the importance of project management techniques, processes and planning in order to accomplish the goals of the projects and will apply the technique with respect to NHS project. Furthermore, this report will discuss about the differences in managing a small project and a large project. Also the report will critically evaluate how the management of NHS managed the project and how the project was planned and how it has been carried out. In addition to this, the report will also analyse the execution of the plans by the management and how risk management techniques a nd proper costing and staffing techniques would have appreciated the project value. The report will then critically evaluate things that went wrong and became the reason for the abandonment of the project and then suggestions and recommendations have been given that could have improved the process and increased the chances of successful completion of the project. PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROCESS AND PLANNING: There are different techniques that are used by project managers in order to successfully complete the project. Project life cycle is the most widely used concept in project management and it is defined as different phases that a project would undergo throughout its life. The project life cycle will also be applied on the NHS project and then it will be analysed whether the project went through its different phases properly or not. A typical project has five phases and these phases include (Bedford and Cooke, 2001): 1. Initiation 2. Planning and Design 3. Executing 4. Monitoring and Controlling 5. Closing (CostField) Initiation is the first phase of the five phases of the project lifecycle and during this phase of the project lifecycle, the strategies along with the targets and objectives of project are defined as to what the project is about and what the project manager would like to achieve from the project. There were flaws when it comes to the NHS project as the goals and objectives were not clearly defined and the strategies were also ambiguous thus the problems can be seen from the very first phase of the project life cycle. After defining the goals and objectives of the project, the project manager in the second phase plans and designs different tasks that he or she would like to accomplish in order to complete the whole project. Work break down structure is one of the most widely used techniques in order to define and break the whole project into different small tasks (Cleland and Gareis, 2006). Although the project was divided into different tasks but the management was not able to achieve the deadlines of these tasks and thus it lead to delay in the overall project duration. By dividing the whole project into different tasks, the project manager is also able to assign these tasks to different employees and manage the

The Unilever Company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Unilever Company - Research Paper Example The business model is a very important factor to be considered in any business, and it should be incorporated in the strategic plan of the organization. The business model gives the organization a plan on how it will perform its duties giving the routes to follow through the organizational infrastructure and policies. This gives the idea on how the organization offers services to customers and also the way the customers reward the services offered to them by the organization. It also gives managers foresight about the future of the company hence growth and development are prevalent in the organization. The model gives the general public the knowledge on how the business operates and in the other hand can be used in accounting to give a rim light on the organizational proceedings to the general public. This enhances confidentiality in the organization management by the adjacent customers and hence motivating them and drawing more new customers into the organization. The Unilever Compa ny The Unilever Company is a company that deals with processing goods that are internationally and multi nationally recognized. It was founded through company mergers that lead to a globally recognized company that produces foods, refreshers such as beverages, cleaning agents that are fast washing solutions and other products that are personal care such as lotions and perfumes. It is a company that its goods have been received positively by nations due to their quality. Due to the good business model employed by Unilever Company the revenue allocation for the company is very high in the world's market. Operations and Products The operations of Unilever Company are very admirable because the strategic plan of the company provides measures that boost its performances leading to improved services. This has been enhanced through the world wide branches that have enhanced wider regional support that has helped in the growth of the company. The marketing management of the company has give n a major setback on the Socio – economic profile so as to enroll and attract more customers towards the company. The social economic sector will apply to the website creation so that more customers can access the goods offered by the company online hence improving customer management communication. This will help the management in identifying areas of weakness hence improving on them leading to better and quality services (Tuccillo, 2011). Unilever Company is a company that is branched systematically so that it can reach more customers in each and every country in the world. For that matter, it has national managers who are in charge of a country under the regional management (Armstrong, 2012). These work hand in hand to ensure that the company plans are executed in every country where they are but with respect the rule of law of the country. The business models that are employed by the Unilever Company have favored it through the competitive business market that is overwhel mingly growing competitive. This has led to major support leading to it becoming a multinational company. The other major boost of Unilever Company is the diverse models of goods that they offer (Tuccillo, 2011). They have featured every customer in their target leading to a larger market shares allover the world. The websites and the advertising campaigns that have been carried out through out the world by the company have resulted to better product marketing. Through advertising, more customers get the product's knowledge offered by the organization leading to converting them to be the future customers of the products. All this success has been made possible due to the good financial model that has been developed by the company’

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Importance of CSR and the issue of child labour in the cocoa Research Paper

The Importance of CSR and the issue of child labour in the cocoa Industry - Africa - Research Paper Example The experience of child labor issue in cocoa industry delivers significant lessons to the stakeholders who are related with the supply chain procedure of cocoa. It has been recognized that every stakeholder is liable for the issue of child labor in cocoa production and appropriate CSR initiatives must be applied for overcoming this issue. Child labor is considered as a sensitive issue in the international commercial practices. Child labor has existed since log time. In several nations, many children are used to suffering every day due to the bane of child labor and they grow with grueling memories which not only destruct their future, but the future of the nation as well. Among other industries, cocoa industry has been considered as one of the most vital sectors, which involves child labor by a considerable extent. During 2000 to 2001, a study of International Labor Office (ILO) reported that in West African region, children were being marketed and engaged in harmful and slave-like situations in cocoa businesses. Reviews were also conducted in the year 2002 in order to illuminate the occurrence of child labor in cocoa industry in several West African nations. From the review, it has been found that about 284,000 children were employed in cocoa firms with unsafe working situations. In a number of cocoa firms, it has been found that children perform for in excess of 12 hours in a day. These child laborers are less likely to take school education (International Labour Office, 2005). Children are considered as the future of a nation. However, it is apparent that a number of children are used for cocoa production in order to minimize the manufacturing expenses and make higher revenue. It can be observed that the key cultivators of cocoa are less concerned regarding this unethical trade practice. All stakeholders who are related with the long and complex supply chain of cocoa industry are responsible for the issue of child labor. It has also been

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Weathering in Empty Quarter in Saudi Arabia Essay

Weathering in Empty Quarter in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example Chemical weathering usually takes place in wet and moist climates, because of rain and interaction of chemicals in their soluble states. On the other hand physical weathering is common in deserts and arid regions, and main source of weathering in these areas is abrasion. Abrasion is defined as the process by which rocks or particles are reduced to smaller size and shape. Some basic types of physical weathering include thermal stress, frost weathering, salt crystal growth, pressure release, and ocean waves. The process of weathering is associated with erosion, which is simply defined as transfer of free particles from one place to another. Deserts exhibit both the phenomena, at one point there is abrasion, and the other point the weathered sand or rocks are carried away with wind, and then they are deposited. The process of deposition in sand results in the formation of sand dunes. There are four different types of sand dunes. They are Barchan, Star Dunes, Domal Dunes, Longitudinal Du nes, and Sand Sheets. The variation in dunes is due to their shape, size, location, and the direction of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Social responsibilities and ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Social responsibilities and ethics - Essay Example The other impact is that the local community gets leadership and become more organized and coexist. The businesses require the local community to handle the projects due to sustainability purposes. This therefore means that the community has to have some form of organization on how the project will be run and maintained and this will lead to leadership. This organization uplifts coexistence among the community members as well as less conflicts and hence the project is likely to be sustainable. A negative impact of businesses on the local community is the assimilation the local community undergoes. Even though this does not happen in all communities, most community members due to constant interaction with the businesses start abandoning their culture to be more like the individuals in the business. This leads to loss of culture and even conflicts in the long run among the community members and spouses as well. This especially happens when the business people are involved in the project for long period of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Parenting Techniques and Their Influences on Their Child’s Behavior and Habits Essay Example for Free

Parenting Techniques and Their Influences on Their Child’s Behavior and Habits Essay Parenting techniques and beliefs are essential to the growth of any child. Parents instill habits, behaviors, and moral sense in to their children at an early age. Children benefit when parents engage themselves in to their child’s life. In saying that, parents also have to learn to adapt to what their child needs and teach them to assert themselves and become independent. Habits children pick up are usually either picked up from their parents or tolerated by their parents. It is the parent’s responsibility to assess what is right for their child and correct any bad habits they may learn along the way. Socioeconomic status is a huge factor in how a topic of parenting techniques can be studied. Any subject pertaining to parenting style and their influences can be linked to their social class. I will focus most of my discussion on the effects of overall parenting techniques and how socioeconomic factors and be linked to those techniques. Keywords: parenting styles, socioeconomic status, children Parenting Techniques and Their Influences on Their Child’s Behavior and Habits. Parenting techniques are a very important factor in the development of children. Children learn from an early age their moral senses, the behaviors and habits that are acceptable, and they develop an understanding on what role their actions can play in their life. Parenting along with socioeconomic status and culture are great determining factors in understanding how a child has learned from their parents and what to expect from that particular child. Parents evolve their parenting techniques as they learn how their child naturally behaves and as the child learns from what the parents have instilled. In the study conducted by Rubin, Nelson, Hastings, and Asendorpf (1999), the primary purpose was to investigate the relations between a child’s social inhibitions and the parent’s beliefs on how to best socialize their child. The study determined that both the mother and father tend to follow their child’s dispositional cues on how they should be socialized. The parents would adapt to how the child reacted in a social situation. For example, if the child exhibited shyness, they would alter how they went about socializing. In this study, I agree that parents do evolve with their children and with an agreed upon authoritative style of parenting, both the father and mother would act accordingly to what the study found. The study was a longitudinal study but only followed up once after the initial results; I believe the study would have been more effective had it been followed up until at the least early childhood. In terms of diversity, I feel this study could have been greatly improved upon. Differences may or may not occur between different cultures and races, but the researchers chose not to delve into any demographic exploration on the topic. The socioeconomic status of the parents could also have an effect on how they were able to socialize their child. If the family was from the working-class, they may not have time to socialize their children as effectively. Many factors could have made this study more effective in determining the socialization of the child and the parents’ influences. Children also take after their parents behaviors. Eating habits in children may be partly due to genetic dispositions but are greatly impacted by their environment and the behaviors they are being taught. Birch and Fisher’s (1998) main concern in their study was that childhood obesity was not just simply linked to genetic factors but also environmental factors. The risk of a child becoming obese with two obese parents is very high, opposed to having non-obese parents. This is due to the child following the bad eating habits of the parents. Genes and environment are highly correlated because they are both typically provided by parents. Obese parents would need to acknowledge that there might be an issue and act on it accordingly and instill good eating habits to their children. The researchers of this study also chose not to cover any demographic characteristics such as age or socioeconomic factors. A longitudinal study exhibiting ages when a child learns eating habits and gaining weight would improve the study. Socioeconomic status could also play a large role in what the child had available to eat. In many studies, it is said that many lower or working class families struggle with obesity due to the lack of funds to get healthier foods. Social status would also explain if the parents were not there to monitor what the child was eating. This would affect a lot of qualities in the study had it been chosen to be covered. Differences between race and social classes have been studied for many decades. In an article by Bodovski (2010), she stated that Lareau (2003) examined how socioeconomic status and race backgrounds influenced how parents raised their children and how the children benefited academically. The social class in which a family is raised shapes their values, behavior, and explains what they have available as resources. Middle-class and upper-middle-class families actively reinforce their involvement in their child’s learning and socialization. This social class has a wide array of opportunities to expose their children to including sports, art, dance, and many other extracurricular activities. Middle-class families also encourage their children to stand up for themselves through example and therefore the children learn cultural codes and behaviors that facilitate their achievement (Lareau, 2003). Lower-class and working-class families feel their primary responsibility to their children is taking care of their needs, such as housing, food, and clothing (Bodovski, 2010). These children usually socialize with other family members and their nearby community rather than participate in extracurricular activities. Typically, working-class families experience more hesitancies in asserting themselves and their children also learn these behaviors. Lareau (2003) did not find significant racial differences in parenting styles once social class differences between families were taken into consideration (Bodovski, 2010). This study was very well diversified. It focused predominately on socioeconomic status which is a large factor in how well a parent will have accessibility to resources for their children and it also explains how much time the children are around their parents. The study also features race and explained that there were no significant differences. Late-elementary school children were studied along with their parents, which I believe is a good age range to focus on for an effective study. These articles are just a few facets on how parents influence and teach their children. Overall, when looking at parenting techniques, it is always important to look at socioeconomic status and how the parents can adapt to their children’s needs.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Consumer Behavioral Study On Buying Coffee Marketing Essay

Consumer Behavioral Study On Buying Coffee Marketing Essay Investigate and find out why do people willing to pay more for Coffee Bean coffee than a normal coffee shop. Discuss the importance of finding out of consumer behavior. One of international food company, Coffee Bean, offers more expensive coffee, if compared with other coffee shop, the price of Starbucks coffee is more than triple but there are many people who like to go and drink a cup of coffee at Coffee Bean. There are several factors found that why people keep going to Coffee Bean. Body Product, its Quality One of factors that people like to spend more for Coffee Bean is due to its qualified products. One of Coffee Bean products is as we know as coffee which is considered as the main product of Coffee Bean. Coffee Bean has put a lot of effort to search the finest coffee bean in the world. Even people are in sleep, there is someone from Coffee Bean who is trying a cup of coffee. Furthermore, Coffee Bean has a variety of coffee flavours. Coffee Bean tries to satisfy its customers with their different types of favourite coffee with its well-trained baristas. Usually, each coffee drinker has its own favourite which is the most tasteful and aroma to suit customers. Coffee Bean suits them with 22 varieties of coffee and 20 kinds of tea. Coffee and tea can be categorized mainly Bottled drinks, Brewed coffee, Chocolate and Espresso beverage, yogurt. Not only that, Coffee Bean serves like bakery, hot breakfast, salad and fruit snack plates etc. In the comparison between Coffee Bean and a normal coffee shop, at the normal coffee shop does not entertain customers with a variety of flavours even it is hard to find good roasted coffee. Coffee Bean is famous because of its products to increase satisfaction of each customers taste that makes people willing to pay more for the drinks or delicious food in Coffee Bean. Place Another factor of the popularity is the location which Coffee Bean chooses. Coffee Bean can be found internationally. It can increase a consumption and identity of Coffee Bean from customers. Coffee Bean has a very strong team to select the place in which there can be high demand for an area that people can drink coffee and make their discussion with friends, colleagues, workers and many more. Starbucks eases the access to people to find and walk into its stores worldwide. Figure .1.2.1 Coffee Bean in Kinta CityOn the other hand, Coffee Bean usually opens stores in busy town and tourist spots such as shopping malls and hotels which are luxury and ambiance places all over the world, and the taste of coffee in Coffee Bean is different from the coffee that are available in the normal shop. These factors increase effectiveness of distribution channel of Coffee Bean. Coffee Bean, its best chosen locations that comfort people to find finest coffee taste around the world. They can release their stress by drinking a cup of coffee in coffee bean because of the quiet condition. The place of coffee bean is relaxing and comfortable and this makes everyone to choose coffee bean when they want to discuss or have an informal meeting. When we are at a normal coffee shop, we cant concentrate on our job or for students; they cant even concentrate when they are doing their assignment because of the noisy environment. So this is why consumers prefer and are willing to pay for a higher price for Coffee Bean. Coffee_Bean.jpg 12coffeebean.jpgcoffee_bean_master_franchisee_city_food somke.jpg Figure Smoking area and non smoking of coffee Bean In addition, in Coffee Bean, there are two areas which are non-smoking area and smoking area. So non- smokers can enjoy their time with their favourite coffee drink without any cigarette smell or smoke. Staff Staff in Coffee Bean is well train and they are polite. They are train manners by the supervisor of Coffee bean so they are very friendly, kind and always smile. Also they are required to know how to speak English because Coffee Bean has foreign customers so they need to know the international language. Figure Staff in coffee Bean  [1]  Staff s is required to wear uniform and this will give consumer a very good impression. In normal coffee shop, the waiters or the staffs sometimes wear their own clothes during working times and that will look untidy and uncomfortable for consumers. Figure show the staff wear black cap and brown or black uniform. For example in normal coffee shop, when consumers order drinks, they difficult to order because they do not know who waiters or waitresses are. uniform.jpg Brand Recognition Another factor is strong brand recognition of Coffee Bean. Coffee Bean is well known by its people and its market especially its competitors. Coffee Bean is very strongly recognized company in the world as a coffee retailer. In this generation, most of people may hear the name of Coffee Bean and half of people may taste its finest coffee too. Once people hear Coffee Bean they can think of its finest coffee, luxury designed environment and its staff attitude toward customers. Those facts can improve the recognition of the company and they will keep falling customers into deeply tasteful coffee of Coffee Bean. Lifestyle Consumers are willing pay more for Coffee Bean coffee than a normal coffee is the lifestyle. In the modernization, people are open-minded for everything. People like to enjoy their lives without limit. Especially, middle of 20 to 30 aged people like to go nicer and cooler place to enjoy their moment. They like to use and wear expensive things then why not they like to drink expensive drinks that they can get highest satisfaction. Promotion People like to spend for Coffee Bean coffee is the promotion. Coffee Bean has seasonal promotions to attract more customers to walk in. For example, Coffee Bean makes events for any special days which people celebrate internationally such as Christmas, valentine, calendar new year and Chinese new year etc. During these special days, Coffee Bean sells event products which reflect features of each day. 161977_189809951041140_2369883_n.jpgThe-Coffee-Bean-Tea-Leaf-Christmas-Cake-Promotion.jpg Figure Promotion of Christmas and Valentines Day Psychology Coffee Bean is luxury and comfortable concept place. Inside Coffee Bean is quiet and comfortable and there is music playing. It encourages people to talk with their friends and family in quiet with nice melody that relax people from stress. Nowadays, it is a war outside without a gun and bullets. It means there is a lack of place that people can find comfort. Coffee Bean provides that place to people who really need the peace that influence people emotionally. It also can be happened that some people drink coffee at Coffee Bean because of it is not for everyone can effort. On the other hand, there are some people that want to drink expensive coffee because they want to be seen cool. Importance of Consumer behaviour Consumer behavior can be defined as the metal and emotional processes and the physical activities that people engage in when select, purchase, use, and dispose of products or services to satisfy particular needs and desires. As customers, they benefit from insights unto their own consumption-related decision such as what they buy, why they buy, how they buy and the promotional influences that persuade them to buy. The study of consumer behavior enables them to become better, that is, wiser, consumers. As marketers, it is important for them to recognize why and how individuals make customers consumption decisions, so that marketers can make better strategic marketing decisions. So marketers must understand consumer behavior to develop successful strategies and identify target market segments. Moreover, awareness of emerging trends in the consumer marketplace is essential for quick recognition of and response to problems and opportunities with sound marketing strategies. Conclusion In conclusion, Coffee Bean is very famous to people who like to drink a cup of coffee. Even though the price of Coffee Bean coffee is more expensive than a normal coffee shop people are willing to pay more for Coffee Bean coffee. There are several factors that may influence people purchasing decision for Coffee Bean. Firstly, one of factors is the product. Coffee Bean provides a variety of coffee and tea and snacks or food. There are more choices that allowed customers to choose highest satisfaction of the product. Secondly, the place of Starbucks is another factor that influences consumer decision. Coffee Bean has opened more than 16,000 stores in more than 50 countries that make people to experience much easier. The next is staff; staffs of Coffee Bean are very kind and friendly so customer can relax and feel comfortable. There are some more factors considered such as brand recognition, lifestyle, promotion, and psychology that can influence consumers purchasing decision. Consumer behavior is very important to any organization to be aware and keep focusing on. Once the organization become outdated about consumer patterns that means the organization is out of the market or will be sooner. The organization should carry studies about consumer behaviours and factors that influence consumers final decision. Question 4 Friends and society opinions on the products and services are always one of the factors influencing individual buying behavior, comment on how facebook enhance the impacts from friends and society towards buying behavior. 2.1 What is Facebook? Facebook is the largest social network in the world. Its first name is Facemash which was named to start the service when Mark Zuckerberg was Grade 2 Harvard University in on 28 October 2003. Then on 4 February 2004 under the name of The Facebook begin to services In June 2004 the company moved to California Palo Alto. After that PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel was the first investment and in 2005 purchased domain name for $ 200,000 and then took off in the name The name of right now, facebook as continue to use. Initially, facebook is available only to Harvard University students. But In Stanford, Columbia, Yale has been expanded to the area, Ivy League Universities, New York University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA and Canada, most universities have been expanding into areas. In September 2005, high school student also has expanded and the end of 2005 more than 2,000 college and high school have a network of more than 25,000 was produced. Thereafter until the member area for some companies also can make and finally in September 2006 more than 13 years old, anyone with an e-mail address was able to join. In addition, in 2006, from Yahoo offer undertaking $ 1,000,000,000 but reject the offer received and it is received investment $ 250,000,000 from venture capital investment. 2.2 How Facebook enhance impact the Buying Behavior Buying behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in buying and using products so need to understand what factors influence when consumer purchase and analyze buying behavior. There are many factors which actually influence or affect consumer buying behavior, such as comments or ideas or even suggestions from friends, advertisements and etc. Nowadays, one of the biggest influence is by Facebook, one of the social network which came to be part of everyones routine since everyone logs into Facebook at least once a day. This is the main reason why Facebook influences a lot on someones buying behavior. Moreover, Facebook isnt just a social network, it has got advertisements with promotions or some companies create a page for themselves and promote their pages on Facebook. 2.2.1 Status Figure .2.1.1 Example of status and commentsIn Facebook, friends can give comments about the specific product that someone wants to buy. For example, if user wants to buy laptop so put update her status as Sony vs Toshiba which one is better? Friends will start putting comments to her status, probably their opinions and pros and cons of products of Sony and Toshiba or even suggesting another similar product such as Samsung or Fujitsu. In other words, user will get to share own ideas with friends on Facebook, which will actually make the user skim through on the advantage and disadvantages of the product user is willing or planning to buy. And also, some of users friends who might have used the product or have the product could upload the photos of it which means user can have an idea of its specifications and its closer view before purchasing. As mentioned earlier, there are advertisements shown in the page of Facebook which means, user might be aware of any promotions or discounts o f the specific product on Facebook which would be better for the user.untitled.bmp 2.2.2 Group Some people using Facebook, when people are interested in something for example K-POP fans, people will make a page for themselves and other people want to be one of the members in the group, all people need to do is to click on the like button. And group members will be updating each other on the specific coming event or post and even link videos about it. So, for example if a person wanted to buy a Samsung camera, and there is a group in Facebook under Samsung camera, so, that person can actually join the group and get to know more about it or even compare with other models or other products. Figure .2.2.1 group of Samsung Camera samsung.bmp This picture is one of group of Samsung Camera page. It shows that now what is new product and give some information. A group of Facebook will share the value system based on the experience from who already used product. This is a greater opinion to impact the buying behavior, as same group member, other membership will trusty to the member and stop or buying the product. Furthermore, almost every group or society also has a closer communication; the opinion of the society will direct enhance impact the buying behavior. EX1.bmp Figure This Figure shows that many group members comment their opinion about Samsung camera EX1 whether it is good or not 2.2.3 Video Figure Another factor that Facebook nowadays influences a lot on consumer buying behavior is because of the videos shared in Facebook. For videos, people can actually link any types of video from YouTube or wherever to their Facebook profile, which means people can share the videos as people wish because people might feel the product of the video is interesting, so people hope can share out for other people in Facebook. Some of the companies make their companies account and add their advertising video. It will help to customer understand easily what they doing business and what product they selling. In addition, some customer also add the video when they use the products so it can know how to use the product and more consider whether it will be suitable for themselves. For example Figure shows an advertisement of Ipad 2 on the Facebook. 2.2.4 Advertisement Figure .2.4.1 Advertisement in FacebookAdvertisement is known as a paid for communication. It is used to develop attitudes, create awareness, and transmit information in order to gain a response from the targeted Figure is one of the advertisements advertised in Facebook and usually displays 4 or 5 advertisements. When log in the Facebook, users can see many companies or shops had set their advertisements on the right hand side of the page. This is because a lot of people use Facebook around the world, so, advertisements in Facebook are more trustworthy. Advertisements can attract users and able to attract users are interested in the advertisements, and users will eventually click and read it. After that if users feel that it is good or suitable and meet their needs or wants, they might decide to buy it. In addition, some advertisements can be seen many times when users are logged in Facebook. It is also able to attract users in a way that, if the users of Facebook see advertisement many times, they want to know what the advertisement is about. As a result, some of the users will be interested in it and subsequently, will be considering of purchase. Finally, Facebook is one of the largest social networks in the world which has enhanced impact to the users buying behavior such as status, group, video and advertisements. .Nowadays, Facebook is not only for making friends or communicating with friends. When users want to buy something, Facebook can help them to buy better product or service. If a user writes status what he or she wants to buy, his or her friends can comment about the product whether it is good or not. Also he or she can find the groups or videos and get more information about the product. Lastly, advertisements also help the process of purchasing in a sense that the users may be able to click on the advertisements on the right side of the page if they are interested.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Beloved: Analysis :: essays research papers

From the beginning, Beloved focuses on the import of memory and history. Sethe struggles daily with the haunting legacy of slavery, in the form of her threatening memories and also in the form of her daughter’s aggressive ghost. For Sethe, the present is mostly a struggle to beat back the past, because the memories of her daughter’s death and the experiences at Sweet Home are too painful for her to recall consciously. But Sethe’s repression is problematic, because the absence of history and memory inhibits the construction of a stable identity. Even Sethe’s hard-won freedom is threatened by her inability to confront her prior life. Paul D’s arrival gives Sethe the opportunity and the impetus to finally come to terms with her painful life history. Already in the first chapter, the reader begins to gain a sense of the horrors that have taken place. Like the ghost, the address of the house is a stubborn reminder of its history. The characters refer to the house by its number, 124. These digits highlight the absence of Sethe’s murdered third child. As an institution, slavery shattered its victims’ traditional family structures, or else precluded such structures from ever forming. Slaves were thus deprived of the foundations of any identity apart from their role as servants. Baby Suggs is a woman who never had the chance to be a real mother, daughter, or sister. Later, we learn that neither Sethe nor Paul D knew their parents, and the relatively long, six-year marriage of Halle and Sethe is an anomaly in an institution that would regularly redistribute men and women to different farms as their owners deemed necessary. The scars on Sethe’s back serve as another testament to her disfiguring and dehumanizing years as a slave. Like the ghost, the scars also work as a metaphor for the way that past tragedies affect us psychologically, â€Å"haunting† or â€Å"scarring† us for life. More specifically, the tree shape formed by the scars might symbolize Sethe’s incomplete family tree. It could also symbolize the burden of existence itself, through an allusion to the â€Å"tree of knowledge† from which Adam and Eve ate, initiating their mortality and suffering. Sethe’s â€Å"tree† may also offer insight into the empowering abilities of interpretation. In the same way that the white men are able to justify and increase their power over the slaves by â€Å"studying† and interpreting them according to their own whims, Amy’s interpretation of Sethe’s mass of ugly scars as a â€Å"chokecherry tree† transforms a story of pain and oppres sion into one of survival.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Bartleby of Bartleby the Scrivener :: Bartleby Scrivener Essays

Bartleby of Bartleby the Scrivener   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      Herman Melville’s short story â€Å"Bartleby the Scrivener† introduces many interesting characters with many different personalities to us. However, out of Ginger Nut, Turkey, Nippers, and the Old Man who narrates the story, the one that is most mysterious to us is Bartleby. Bartleby is a scrivener, which, in simple terms, is a human version of a modern day copy machine. He does his job extremely well, hardly ever stopping his work and getting things done quickly and efficiently. However, he is a man of few words. In fact, he is a man of one phrase: â€Å"I would prefer not to.† He says this in response to anything that is requested of him other than to copy documents. He actually outright refuses to do anything else that his boss (the narrator) asks him to do. This is the first step in confusing the reader about Bartleby. Melville, however, never seems to offer an answer to this mystery. Another interesting thing that I noticed was that Bartleby never said †Å"I will not.†, but â€Å"I prefer not.† This would indicate that the person he is talking to has an option as to choosing what Bartleby will or won’t do, but it is said in such a way that it manages to confuse the narrators feelings, and causes him, for a long period of time, to simply accept the statement as a â€Å"no†. This appears to me as a weakness of the narrator as a business owner, but at the same time makes me wonder what is Bartleby’s purpose for responding in such a way. Another interesting characteristic of Bartleby is his living habits, which we find out about later in the story. He apparently lives at the office (originally unbeknownst to the narrator). He sleeps, washes, and works in the same place. What makes this even more interesting is that he refuses (or states that he would â€Å"prefer not†) to change his living arrangements. When the narrator moves his business, and Bartleby refuses to vacate the premises after the ne w tenant arrives, the narrator is taken to be responsible for Bartleby, simply because he is the only person who is even close to knowing him. After a lengthy process that ends with Bartleby in prison, who seemingly regards the narrator as the reason for his being there, the story quickly closes with the demise and death of Bartleby, and the strange introduction of the â€Å"grub man† (who seems as though he has some deeper importance in the story which I cannot place).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Profiles in Courage: Sam Houston :: essays research papers

Sam Houston was a great man in our history. He stood up for what he believed was good for the Union not the North or the South. When Sam was rebuked for providing the winning margin for his opponents he said â€Å"I know neither North nor South; I know only the Union.† He also said everyone â€Å"†¦must stand firm to the Union, regardless of all personal consequences.† He was fiercely ambitious, yet at the end he sacrificed for principle all he had ever won or wanted. He was a Southerner, and yet he steadfastly maintained his loyalty to the Union. He could be all things to all men—and yet, when faced with his greatest challenge, he was faithful to himself and to Texas. When still a dreamy and unmanageable boy, he had run away from his Tennessee frontier home, and was adopted by the Cherokee Indians, who christened him Co-lon-neh, the Raven. An infantry officer under Andrew Jackson in 1813, his right arm had been shredded by enemy bullets when he alone had dashed into enemy lines at the battle of the Horseshoe, his men cowering in the hills behind him. A brave man he was indeed. Apparently he discovered but a few days after his marriage that his young and beautiful bride had been forced to accept his hand by an ambitious father, when in truth she loved another. Sam struck out with one grand assault on Texas officialdom by announcing himself a candidate for Governor in the 1857 election. But his votes on Kansas and other Southern measures could not be explained away to an angry constituency, and Texas handed Sam Houston the first trouncing of his political career. On November 10, 1857, Sam Houston was unceremoniously dismissed by the Texas Legislature and a more militant spokesman for the South elected as his successor. In the fall of 1859, the aging warrior again ran as an independent candidate for Governor, again with no party, no newspaper and no organization behind him, and making but one campaign speech. Houston delivered his inaugural address directly to the people from the steps of the Capitol, instead of before a joint session of the Legislature. Sam Houston earned his place in Profiles in Courage by his refusal to support the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. This bill repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and would have allowed the residents of territories from Iowa to the Rocky Mountains to decide the slavery issue themselves.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Alcohol drinking

The last reason of alcohol drinking among the youth In Hong Kong is tension reduction and it is the most common excuse among them. From a survey result conducted in 2008 by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group, about 30% of students increase their pressure index during the beginning of each new academic year. It was found that the high consumption of alcohol Is related to the high level of pressure Index. And the frequency of drinking depends on how early the students have experienced drinking alcohol. Drinking daily or over consumption of alcohol will lead toa chain of bad impacts.If we drink in a large amount, it will have lifelong negative consequences, including physically and mentally, Drinking can affect thinking capacity and the active attention period will be reduced effecively_ Also fatigue may happen easily although only drinking a small amount of alcohol. As a result, It may affect in studies. As we notice that there are many foreign researches about the motivation of d rinking but there are only llttle researches Investigate the Hong Kong tertiary students. That means the foreign researches cannot completely reflect the Hong Kong situation due to the different cultural norms of east and west.Also. the education of alcohol management and knowledge are not prevalence in Hong Kong. Therefore, we would like to know about the basal motives of alcohol drinking and the influences of drinking among the tertiary students. And the healthcare stream students In IVE will be our target group. As our target group are studying In healthcare stream, we hypothesize that they are more likely to consider their health and a lower drinking frequency and quantity of alcohol will be found. We also assume that their motivation of drinking are due to peer, environment and social. Alcohol Drinking The last reason of alcohol drinking among the youth in Hong Kong is tension reduction and it is the most common excuse among them. From a survey result conducted in 2008 by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group, about 30% of students increase their pressure index during the beginning of each new academic year. It was found that the high consumption of alcohol is related to the high level of pressure index. And the frequency of drinking depends on how early the students have experienced drinking alcohol. Drinking daily or over consumption of alcohol will lead to a chain of bad impacts.If we drink in a large amount, it will have lifelong negative consequences, including physically and mentally. Drinking can affect thinking capacity and the active attention period will be reduced effecively. Also fatigue may happen easily although only drinking a small amount of alcohol. As a result, it may affect in studies. As we notice that there are many foreign researches about the motivation of drinking but there are only little researches investigate the Hong Kong tertiary students. That means the foreign researches cannot completely reflect the Hong Kong situation due to the different cultural norms of east and west.Also, the education of alcohol management and knowledge are not prevalence in Hong Kong. Therefore, we would like to know about the basal motives of alcohol drinking and the influences of drinking among the tertiary students. And the healthcare stream students in IVE will be our target group. As our target group are studying in healthcare stream, we hypothesize that they are more likely to consider their health and a lower drinking frequency and quantity of alcohol will be found. We also assume that their motivation of drinking are due to peer, environment and social. Alcohol Drinking Nowadays, it is very amusing that not only the adults are into drinking but surprisingly, teenagers or youngsters are already exposed to it and unfortunately become alcoholic in a very young age.There are about 74% of youngsters who try alcohol drinking more often (see Facts about underage drinking and statistics on teen drinking). Drinking alcohol beverages with moderation is advisable but excessive drinking is not. When you say alcoholism, it is a compulsive habitual excessive use of alcohol drinks.It is not the same as drunkenness, which may be habitual but is not compulsive (Leigh 2002). Alcoholism becomes a chronic condition; it should not be confused with acute alcoholic poisoning, which is the sudden poisoning of the body by alcohol.Underage drinking is one of the major dilemmas which our society is presently facing. Drinking in an early age can possibly make the youngsters become alcoholic in the future and become addicted to drinking.On the other hand, many crimes and accide nts happen because of excessive alcohol drinking. However, not all crimes are the result of alcohol intake but most likely, crimes happened because of excessive drinking of alcohol. True or false? In large amounts, alcohol is a depressant; in small amounts, it is a stimulant.False. Small doses of â€Å"spirits† may indeed, enliven a drinker, but they do so by slowing activity in brain centers that control judgment and inhibitions. Alcohol facilitates urges that the individual might otherwise resist by focusing attention on the immediate situation and away from future consequences (Steele & Josephs 2000).If provoked, people under alcohol’s influence respond more aggressively than usual. If asked to help, people under alcohol’s influence respond more helpfully than usual. In everyday life, alcohol disinhibits both harmful tendencies, as when sexually coercive college men try to disinhibit their dates by getting them to drink (Mosher & Anderson 1999), and helpful t endencies, as when restaurant patrons tip more when tipsy (Lynn1999).Thus, alcohol makes us more aggressive or helpful—or self-disclosing or sexually daring—when such tendencies are present. Whatever urges you feel when sober, you are more likely to act upon if intoxicated.Low doses of alcohol relax the drinker by slowing sympathetic nervous system activity. With larger doses, alcohol can become a staggering problem: Reactions slow, speech slurs, and skilled performance deteriorates. These physical effects, combined with the lowering of inhibitions, contribute to alcohol’s worst consequences—in America, the more than 100, 000 lives claimed annually in alcohol-related car accidents and violent crime (Lord 2001).Thesis Statement: This paper scrutinizes about alcohol drinking and who are involved to it; thus, be aware of the effects of alcohol to our health and into our society.II. DiscussionDrinking alcoholic beverages moderately can stimulate our system ho wever too much and excessive intake might incur deterioration of our memory. Alcohol has an intriguing effect on memory. It impairs neither short-term recall for what just happened nor existing long-term memories. Rather, it disrupts the processing of recent experiences into long-term memories.Thus, the day after being intoxicated, heavy drinkers may not recall whom they met or what they said or did the night before. This memory blackout stems partly from an inability to transfer memories from the intoxicated to the sober state (Eich, 2000). Blackouts after drinking may also result from alcohol’s suppression of REM sleep.Alcohol has another intriguing effect on consciousness: It reduces self-awareness. Compared with people who feel good about themselves, those who want to suppress their awareness of failures or shortcomings are more likely to drink. The Nazi doctors who selected â€Å"unfit† inmates for the gas chambers often did so while drunk, or got drunk afterwards (Lifton 1999).As with other psychoactive drugs, alcohol’s behavioral effects stem not only from its alteration of brain chemistry but also from the user’s expectations. Many studies have found than when people believe that alcohol affects social behavior in certain ways, and believe, rightly or wrongly, that they have been drinking alcohol; they will behave accordingly (Leigh 2002).For example, alcohol per se has some effect on sexual arousal, by decreasing cognitive inhibitions (Crow & George 1999). But people become even more responsive to sexual stimuli if they believe alcohol promotes arousal and believe they have been drinking. From their view of research, Jay Hull and Charles Bond concluded (2001) that for some people alcohol serves â€Å"as an excuse to become sexually aroused.†Consider one such experiment by David Abrams and Terence Wilson. They gave Rutgers University men who volunteered for a study on â€Å"alcohol and sexual stimuli† either an alcoholic or a nonalcoholic drink. (Both drinks had a strong taste that masked any alcohol.) In each group, half the subjects thought they were drinking alcohol and half thought they were not.Regardless of what they drank, after being shown an erotic movie clip, the men who thought they had consumed alcohol were morel likely to report having strong sexual fantasies and feeling guilt-free. Thus, being able to attribute their sexual responses to alcohol released their inhibitions—whether they actually had drunk alcohol or not. This illustrates an important principle: A drug’s psychological effects are powerfully influenced by the user’s psychological state.A. Serves as depressantThe most widely used drug in the depressant class is alcohol. You may be surprised to see alcohol listed as a depressant because you probably have heard someone say that â€Å"a few beers loosen me up and make me have a good time.†Depressants are drugs that have a general sedative effect on the central nervous system, and alcohol clearly has the effect. Initially, alcohol reduces a person’s inhibitions through action on the brain stem. Continued drinking, however, affects higher brain centers in the cortex and leads to reduced alertness. Impaired motor functioning, and slowed reaction times. Higher doses can produce unconsciousness and even death.Alcohol abuse is a major problem for society, costing billions of dollars annually in medical care, insurance costs, job loss, tax loss, and welfare costs, as well as the loss of priceless human life and other human miseries it produces. For example, one half of fatal automobile accidents involve a driver who is intoxicated (World Health Organization 2001).People drink alcohol for a variety of reasons, but principal goals are to achieve another state of consciousness, to relax, to forget one’s worries, to enjoy the high that alcohol initially provides. As tolerance develops, the individual must drink mo re to achieve the same effect. Thus, it is easy to progress from use to abuse. Dependency on the drug is known as alcoholism, a condition that affects an estimated 12 to 15 million Americans.For many years, alcoholism has been viewed in the context of a disease model, emphasizing the effects of the drug on physiological processes. Recently, the pendulum has swung toward psychological theories that emphasize processes such as learning, motivation, and self-awareness to explain how drinking problems are initiated and how they are maintained.Current research also recognizes that there is more than one kind of alcoholic, and studies are under way to differentiate these groups by cause (Conrad 2001). Obviously, such a differentiation would have an important impact on the development of more effective treatment.B. My AnalysisBased on my understanding, experienced, and my personal research, alcoholism is a serious public health problem. It afflicts millions of people, including adults and teenagers from all types of social groups. Why people become alcoholics is not clearly understood; alcoholism can stem from emotional immaturity, insecurity, nervous tension, loneliness, or depression. Physiological causes of alcoholism, if any, have not been determined. Physicians generally consider alcoholism an addiction.Personally, I occasionally take alcoholic beverages and it usually happens when I attend to parties or any special occasions but I drink moderately because I don’t want alcohol rule my life but I want to be the ruler of myself. The way I see it, too much drinking can affect many organs and systems of the body.It irritates the lining of the stomach and pancreas, causing inflammation, tenderness, and ulcerlike lesions. I have read to some articles too that heavy consumption of alcohol inhibits the absorption of proteins, nutrients, and vitamins from the small intestine and this can cause chronic malnutrition. I do not want these things happen to me.III. Conc lusionIn conclusion, our government should pay attention to this increasing and alarming dilemma which the teenagers are facing. One result of continued, excessive drinking is the development of tolerance. The cells of the nervous system become more tolerant of alcohol, and larger quantities must be consumed to produce intoxication.When consumption is discontinued, a severe physical reaction, called alcohol withdrawal syndrome, may occur. Twelve to 48 hours after the last drink, the person may experience nausea, vomiting, profuse sweating, tremors, insomnia, and hallucinations. Forty-eight to 96 hours later, the person may experience delirium tremens, a disorder of the nervous system.Reference:Conrad, Barnaby. Time is All We have: Four Weeks at the Betty Ford Center (Arbos House, 2001).Eich, J.E. (The cue-dependent nature of state-dependent retrieval. Memory and Cognition, 8, 157-173, 2000Leigh, B.C. In search of the seven dwarves: Issues of measurement and meaning of alcohol expect ancy research. Psychological Bulletin, 105, 361-373, 2002.Lifton, R.J. The Nazi doctors. New York: Basic Books. (p.168), 1999Lord, L.J.   Coming to grips with alcoholism. U.S. News and World report, pp. 56-63, 2001Lynn, M. The effects of alcohol consumption on restaurant tipping. Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 404-408, 1999Mosher, D.L., & Anderson, R.D. Macho personality, sexual aggression, and reactions to guided imagery of realistic rape. Journal of research in Personality, 20, 77-94, 1999Steele, C.M., & Josephs, R.A. Alcohol myopia: Its prized and dangerous effects. American Psychologist, 45, 921-933, 2000World Health Organization. The influence of alcohol and drugs on driving. Albany, NY: WHO Publication Centre, 2001   

Monday, September 16, 2019

Globalization: International Trade and World Trade Organization Essay

1.Describe how the world economy is becoming more integrated than ever before. The global economy is becoming more integrated than ever before. The world trade organization (WTO), now has 153 countries involved in more than 95 percent of the world’s trade. The global economy is dominated by countries in three regions: Western Europe, North America, and Asia. Europe is economically to form he biggest market in the world. Under the Maastricht Treaty, which formally established the European Union (EU), the euro was adopted as a common currency among European countries with the goal to strengthen Europe’s position as an economic superpower in the world. Among the Pacific Rim countries, Japan dominated world attention toward the end of the last century and with the world’s largest population and increasing industrialization, China is on its way to becoming the larges producer and consumer of the world’s goods. Asian countries have joined the United States, Australia, and Russia to form the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) trade Group. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) brings together 10 developing nations and is aimed at cultural development and political security. The North American Trade Agreement (NAFTA) combined the economies of the United States, Canada and Mexico into one of the world’s largest trading bloc. And, as for the rest of the world with all the important developments, markets and competitors shaping the global environment, India for example with the fast growing economy and huge population has become the world’s second largest online support, software developer and other services. 2.Discuss what integration of the world economy means for individual companies and their managers. Compared with only a few years ago opportunities are greater because the movement toward free trade has opened up many formerly protected national markets. The potential for export and for making direct investment overseas is greater today than ever before. The environment is more complex because today’s manager often has to deal with the challenges of doing business in countries with radically different cultures and coordinating globally dispersed opportunities. The environment is more competitive because in addition to domestic competitors the managers must deal with cost efficient overseas competitors. Companies both large and small now view the world rather than a single country as their market and need to identify the best strategy for competing in a global marketplace. Universal needs exist when the tastes and preferences of consumers in different counties with regard to a product are similar, creating strong pressure for a global strategy. Thus, managers need to make sure that their companies are able to adapt to different needs in different locations not just locally but globally. Irene B. Rosenfeld, the CEO of Kraft and General Foods, understood the importance of globalization and to save the struggling company, aside from its North American market, she also focused on the overseas market. Krafts global expansion strategy targets 10 markets. Also, Kraft will focus on its overseas efforts and research and development for ten best selling brands which accounts for about 40% of Kraft’s international sales and over 60% of its profits.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Examination of Clinical Psychology

Examination of Clinical Psychology Kristina England PSY/480 Tara Thompson University of Phoenix Clinical psychology focuses on the â€Å"assessment, treatment, and understanding of psychological and behavioral problems and disorders; in fact, clinical psychology focuses its efforts on the ways in which the human psyche interacts with physical, emotional, and social aspects of health and dysfunction† (Plante, 2011, P. 5). This paper will examine the field of clinical psychology.This paper will provide a brief overview of the history and evolving nature of clinical psychology, explain the role of research and statistics in clinical psychology, and last discuss the differences between clinical psychology and other mental health professions, including social work, psychiatry, and social psychology. Throughout the course of history, there have been many events that have laid the foundation for the development of clinical psychology; each era holding a different view and providing n ew perspective and insight as explanation.The ancient Greeks believed the Gods â€Å"were the cause of both health and illness and that the mind and body were closely interconnected† (Plante, 2011, P. 46). Moving into the Middle Ages followed the same concept of the relationship between health, illness, body, and mind; however, it was spiritual beings such as demons, sin, and witches that caused disease and insanity. The Renaissance brought new discoveries, beliefs, and insight to the table; decreasing the beliefs that the cause of disease and insanity were the result of supernatural beings or religious views.Discoveries in medicine provided information in biomedical reductionism. It was suggested that â€Å"disease and mental illness could be understood through scientific observation and experimentation rather than beliefs about the mind and soul† (Plante, 2011, P. 46). Moving forward to Freud’s time, Sigmund Freud along with his colleagues brought the notion o f the connection between the mind and body to resurface; as Freud demonstrated the â€Å"connection between unconscious conflicts and emotional influences capable of bringing forth disease† (Brown, 1940).Freud’s views of the connection between the mind and body gave an opening for the beliefs of the Greeks to reemerge; allowing a more holistic view of health to be considered as an acceptable answer regarding emotional life, and one’s health, illness, and behavior. Psychology was first established when Wilhelm Wundt developed the first psychology laboratory at the University of Leipzig, Germany in 1879 and published the first classic psychology text in 1890 titled Principles of Psychology. The American Psychological Association (APA) was established in 1892 with G.Stanley Hall as its president and led into the creation of clinical psychology. Clinical psychology was formed not as a result of agreement of the APA, but rather in spite of it as many clinicians felt lack of support and concern for the clinical aspect of psychology. As a result more focus began to take place in clinical psychology and in 1896 the first psychological clinic was opened at the University of Pennsylvania by Lightner Witmer and a future for the need and purpose of clinical psychology.The evolving nature of clinical psychology holds much in store as advancements in technology and communication fields continue to rise. There are many events that have contributed to the ever-changing and evolving nature of clinical psychology; one event in particular that significantly impacted clinical psychology is the changes made by the APA. The changes made in the publications and the revisions of the DSM, particularly regarding the ethical standards (Plante, 2011). The field of clinical psychology will continue to change with new methods and cost efficient ways reaching to expand and redefine quality mental health care.Research and statistics are a fundamental part of clinical psy chology and are, in essence, the very foundation of which it is built. Research is used to help answer questions regarding diagnosis, treatment, and human behavior as well as when investigating research questions; particularly in cases involving new, rare, or unusual phenomenon. Generally, the primary goal of research in clinical psychology is to â€Å"acquire knowledge about human behavior and use this knowledge to help improve the lives of others. Clinical psychologists use the scientific method in conducting their research activities† (Plante, 2011, P. 06); the scientific method is a way to ask and answer questions through making observations and performing experiments. The steps to the scientific method include asking a question, doing background research, constructing a hypothesis, perform an experiment to test hypothesis, analyze data, and draw a conclusion, and finally communicate the results (â€Å"Science Buddies,†Ã‚  2002). Statistics in clinical psychology a re applied to research and is used to determine whether the findings are valid and reliable so that they can be modified to accommodate, or remain the same.The differences between clinical psychology and other mental health professions can include length of education and training, point of focus, and location, or setting, of the work environment. Social workers typically hold a bachelor’s degree in social science, such as psychology or sociology, and subsequently enter a two-year graduate program to attain a master’s degree in social work; followed by two years supervised clinical experience to become licensed as a Clinical Social Worker (Plante, 2011, P. 25). Unlike with psychology, social work holds less emphasis on training in research.Psychiatrists are â€Å"physicians who earn a medical degree (MD) and complete residency training in psychiatry† (Plante, 2011, P. 24). Generally, psychiatrists receive a bachelor’s degree in premedical related fields su ch as biology or chemistry; followed by four years of medical school to obtain a MD degree. Prior to residency, a one year clinical internship is completed; however, unlike a clinical psychology internship, medical internships focus on medical training, and the residency is more so aimed to psychotherapy.Social psychology is â€Å"the scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another; studying how individuals are affected by social interactions with groups and relationships† (Kinderman, 2009). Unlike clinical psychologists, social psychologists do not treat individuals suffering from mental or emotional issues; but rather observe how individuals influence one another’s behavior and attitude both individually and in group settings. According to the APA, clinical psychology â€Å"attempts to use the principles of sychology to better understand, predict, and alleviate intellectual, emotional, biological, psychological, social, and behaviora l aspects of human functioning† (APA, 2009a, as cited in, Plante, 2011, P. 5). This paper has examined the field of clinical psychology. This paper has discussed the history and evolving nature of clinical psychology, explained the role of research and statistics in clinical psychology, and last discussed the differences between clinical psychology and other mental health professions, including social work, psychiatry, and social psychology.References Brown, J. F. (1940). Freud’s contribution to psychology, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 10(4), 866-868. Doi: 10. 1111/j. 1939-0025. 1940. tb05757. x Kinderman, P. (2009). The future of psychology: a view from outside. Counseling Psychology Review, 24(1), 16-21. Plante, T. G. (2011). Contemporary clinical psychology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Science Buddies. (2002). Retrieved from http://www. sciencebuddies. org/science-fair-projects/project_scientific_method. shtml